Sunday, 10 February 2013

The Crush You ♥

Hey people,

The fifth post, its about my crush. THE YOU.

Ive tried my best to forget every single thing about you. but here you are again. suddenly appears in my life. i was close to forget to hundred percently, but why did you come back? Babe, we are not meant to be together. Please be away from me. im not good enough for you. But, my heart keep on saying that its belong to you ! Oh Lord ! why did you do this to me. Ive wasted my time for something that will never happen. Youre beautiful trust me. That I guaranteed! Babe, You will always in my heart. AHHHH ! damn me ! why i cant just forget you !  please faith please ! forget about it ! I pinky promise to myself that i will forget you! and eventho we're still friend, but make sure friend means friend. Not more than anything. I LOVE YOU THE YOU ! 

p/s: please ignore my behaviour.

                                                                                                                   Keep On Loving,

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